12 August 2022
I've counseled readers repeatedly not to get involved in secular political activism.
Look folks: It's secular. If it's not in support of the Covenant of Christ, then it's not "Christian". There are all kinds of religions claiming our Lord's name, but there's precious little of Covenant living in those claims. All political activity outside of the Covenant is under Satan's control. The Lord commissioned the Devil to handle those things for Him. The only place where He is directly involved is when we come together under His Covenant covering.
That doesn't mean God will not call you take actions with political implications. Indeed, if you can gather as part of a genuine Covenant body, it's quite likely the Lord will call you to defend them. You see, despite the plethora of New Testament admonitions against violence and physical defense against government, the government in question was either Rome or Jewish government. We are not under Rome, and certainly aren't under Jewish Law. There are some differences between their situation and ours. Roman and Jewish persecution was against faith. They aren't coming after us for our faith, but because they intend to persecute anyone who simply isn't on board with their agenda. They don't care why. Here in America, our problem is simply politics.
I'll grant you that there is a strong doctrinal bias against taking political action throughout the Bible. It's not something you should do reflexively. Rather, a valid revolt must come as a call from God. Jeroboam was called by God to rebel against Rehoboam. Barak was called by God to assassinate King Eglon of Moab, who was ruling over Israel at the time. Notice the point here: There was a Covenant that established the meaning of political action. Never mind how it turned out; God commanded those actions based on the Covenant relationship of the people to each other.
Without the Covenant, God will not move directly in your convictions to act on political problems. You might come up with all kinds of good reasons for any number of choices, but He has no direct interest in human political affairs outside of His Covenant. Therefore, you should have no direct interest in politics, except to observe and comment based on Scripture. And Scripture says that no government is just in God's eyes unless it is built on the Code of Noah. Look at the long series of posts on this blog starting with this one for an outline of what that code requires.
Given that all governments violate that code, there is only a limited protection for such governments from the wrath of His people. We've hashed this out before: The teaching in Romans 13 keeps going past verse 7. Your true obligation to secular government and society is the sacrificial love of Christ. If you act on the Covenant, and it conflicts with secular government or society, that's their problem. Obey Christ rather than men.
Nor is it an issue of how effective your actions may be as humans measure such things. Just because the Lord has called you to fight doesn't mean you are obliged to win. That book I published is titled on the passage that talks about resisting to the shedding of blood (Hebrews 12) which passage puts the emphasis on your personal holiness. It's left open what it means to resist sin, but it's primarily a refusal to surrender to moral darkness.
Again, the US government is not the same as the Roman government. Our resistance to sin will call for a different approach than what the Apostles recommended for First Century Christians. The problems we face are not strictly religious in nature. But whatever it is you do in terms of resistance, you dare not give your allegiance to anything that is organized outside the Covenant. Whatever political solution they offer, it has to be based on Scripture, and that means the Code of Noah in our case. Thus, we cannot support any existing secular political organization. The only organization that invites God's Presence is a covenant body.
Otherwise, all your actions are individual in nature. You can monkey-wrench the ruling regime as your conscience dictates. There's a theory out there called Leaderless Resistance that might serve to educate you about how it could work. Do your own research. Again, it's not a question of effectiveness, but obedience to the call of your convictions. While there's nothing wrong with failure, it might serve you well to be aware of what causes failures in such activity. I will personally advise you to do it right and learn how that type of resistance works, especially in regard to the risks. But in the final analysis, moving by conviction is never truly leaderless. The whole point is obeying the one true God and Creator, and all of our individual Covenant obedience will always point to a single agenda -- the Covenant.
One thing is for sure: Any human organization can be infiltrated, and most of them already have federal moles in them. If you are seeking a covenant body, God will warn you via your faith whom to trust if you feel the need to plan some action against our evil ruling regime. Don't organize anything over the Internet; it's been compromised for a very long time. You must work face-to-face, but that's a basic doctrine of Covenant life in the first place.
You don't need me to suggest specific ways to fight evil. The US ruling regime is already collapsing, so there's really not much we need to do about that. If you feel the need to resist some particular threat to your family or home, make up your own mind. Pray and discover the boundaries of your convictions about that. There's always hiding and fleeing, as well. It depends on your character and the context in which you reside. I most certainly cannot choose for you.
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