Catacomb Resident Blog

Challenge to Readers: Non-Zionist News

09 October 2022

Hopefully I made it clear that harassing and persecuting Jews is not the right approach. Our witness to the world is the Covenant and shalom that Jews rejected, and that's our witness to Jews in particular. The Lord said He would make Jews jealous by calling Gentiles into His Covenant.

Unfortunately, we are still considered "anti-Semites" because the definition of that term is anyone who doesn't submit to the Jewish agenda. That we do not trust Jews is all it takes to be labeled anti-Semites. That we reject their agenda and warn others loudly of that agenda is what makes us their enemies.

Every now and then, the mainstream Christian news reporting claims that anti-Semitism is rising. These stories talk about oppression and hatred and just general meanness. What they really mean is that Christians are supposed to be obsequious to Jews and promote Zionism.

So let me offer a challenge to my readers. It's easy to find mainstream churchian news. Just go to any search engine and type in "Christian news" and you'll get a list of some dozen or so online sites that are wholly owned by Zionist churchians. How would you search for the alternative viewpoint? Send me an email with your list of Christian oriented news sites that aren't Zionist.

Now, I know that it's easy to find a lot of blogs that fit that, but I'm more interested in news aggregators or actual news reporting sites. Also, I'm not interested in sites that strongly advocate for Palestinian rights or related stuff. That's also too easy, and mostly misses the point I'm trying make. For example, Redress Online is too narrowly focused on advocating for Palestinian rights from a restricted UK position. That means very infrequent stories and typically rather editorial and repetitive. I'm not interested in political activism, but a distinctly religious approach that does not bow to Zionism.

Indeed, news critical of Zionism itself is very appropriate. But more to the point, I would like to see general news links that support churches doing something besides slavishly supporting the modern State of Israel. Bonus points for something that isn't also flaming religious liberalism.

What have you got, readers?

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