Catacomb Resident Blog

It Won't Happen 02

19 April 2023

Democratic government was a lie from the start. You can find lots of criticism online from different angles. The whole idea was to pacify the people by pretending they had some say in government; it's a lot less work that outright oppression. The range of candidates have always been restricted. Voting never made enough difference to change the long term course that brought us where we are now.

The US government is quite simply at war with the US citizens. Most citizens do not recognize this. As long as you imagine the government actually torn between two partisan agendas, you will never understand. Don't get lost in the partisan issues. That's a false divide cooked up by the Deep State. From the beginning of the left-right division in the late 1960s, it was always obvious how this was going to turn out. It's not that the globalists are lefties, but that they are in control regardless of their policies. And they in turn are being controlled by some other folks behind the scenes (mostly the neocons), who don't care a whit about the partisan agendas.

I was very close to the local Republican Party a few decades back. I lost interest as soon as I realized that their sole purpose in life is to hijack anything not already controlled by the Democrats. Their whole job is to make sure the neocons come out on top in the end. Any time it looks like there might be a genuine move from the right to unseat the governing class, the Republicans move in and seize control.

And none of what happens in the voting booth means anything.

But that is still none of our concern. A truly biblical approach to the question was laid out in Romans 13. Not just the first few verses that sound too much like "lay down and get run over". What he actually says in the those 7 verses is straight up Hebrew thinking on the subject: Human government is in God's hands. Let those fools have whatever they demand, insofar as you are able to comply. Whatever they want can't really be important.

Then starting in verse 7, Paul notes that if you are walking in the Covenant of Christ, you don't really need to sweat it. Notice what he says here. He almost quotes Jesus about loving your neighbor, with the same meaning as Jesus used in the Good Samaritan parable -- your neighbor is your covenant brother/sister, not necessarily your fellow nationals and not the people next door. It's the people who manifest a commitment to peace with God. Loving your covenant family, as Jesus said at the Last Supper, is the core of His Law. Stay close knit with your covenant family. Once you take care of that duty, everything else will fall into place. You really have no further duty to any human government.

It's open ended, as God's Law has always been. The boundaries don't hold you; you hold them. Somewhere after the Return from Exile, the meaning of "law" in Israel drifted away from the Covenant. By the time of Christ, "the law" was whatever the Jewish leadership demanded as a human government, but the Covenant was something quite different. The original Law of Moses was just as open ended; legalism was a perversion of the Pharisees. Today's Jews seldom ever read the Old Testament at all.

What does it mean to love your covenant family? You will love them as Christ loved them, willing to go the Cross for them. It means the one most important duty you have is to point people back to the revelation of God, by how you treat your covenant family first, and then how that love overflows to everyone else, because everyone else is a potential family member. Outsiders don't get all the family blessings, but they get to see how we treat family. That's the context in which God speaks to His lost sheep through us.

So if you really sacrifice for your family, and share with outsiders the surplus God has granted to your family, you have done your duty to God regarding any human government. Yes, try to play along with human laws, but remember that the highest priority is loving your covenant family the way Christ loved His disciples.

How do you get the mighty works of God's hand? Two ways. First is the obvious: Obey the Covenant. Miracles belong to the Covenant. Cling to God with all your heart. God will do for your covenant family much the same as He did for Israel. It's never a question of what you might believe you need, but what His glory needs. The second way is not so obvious: God does random miracles to those outside the Covenant because He has a plan, setting the times and borders of the nations, as Paul said to the crowd of philosophers in Athens (Acts 17:26). Those random miracles won't bless anyone outside the Covenant at all, but they will be consistent with His glory agenda.

America is not a covenant nation. The Lord is allowing Satan to manipulate the US into a civil breakdown. Nothing happening in Washington DC is of any real interest to us, aside from the entertainment factor. We may get some temporary relief from oppression that interferes with our love for each other, but all of it just theater. Don't take human government seriously, because it will change all too soon.

And when that civil breakdown comes, it won't do us that many favors, because things won't really change much.

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