Catacomb Resident Blog

Crime Is the Threat

27 April 2023

Don't call it faith persecution; they aren't even aware of faith.

Call it what it is: war. While people of faith aren't the target, they will suffer alongside everyone else, because the weapons used are not precise.

You do understand, don't you, that the COVID treatment protocols in hospital emergency rooms were mostly fatal? Further, almost everyone involved knew they were fatal, and the only people who tried to derail the process were chewed up and spat out of the system. And then we learn that the vaccines have killed more than the disease, even when the numbers for the latter were inflated so hospitals could rake in the bounties for COVID deaths.

This was no natural epidemic. The only reason it wasn't any worse is because the real science behind COVID is not yet fully developed. This project was rushed through before anyone was really sure if it would work. Apparently, a significant part of the US population resists the effects, and the resulting sickness was just an annoyance (so it was for me; I never even lost my sense of taste). And the honest truth is the science itself cannot account for the differences between those who died and those who fought it off. If you follow the logic of the war-gaming or simulation conferences, COVID was supposed to hit everyone, and the medical system acted like it did as a matter of policy.

The simulation conference held recently is how we know that the next infectious agent the labs release is supposed to be more effective. There is every reason to believe they are going to use the same stunt for some other man-made disease. We are at war, folks. The powers that be are trying to slaughter us. At this point, a nuclear exchange that wiped out Washington DC and other select sites would be a blessing to the whole world. Don't forget: In about 20 years most of the world will die anyway from solar catastrophes.

The way I see it, the only reason God is keeping me alive is because He has use for me. I could have been dead several times over by now, and that's just the events I know about that almost killed me. Somewhere back in my youth, I told God I wanted to find out what it would look like if someone was totally committed to whatever He required of them. It's not as if there were no failures along the way, but apparently I'm still good for a few laughs, if nothing else.

Following Jesus means your life is forfeit to the Cross. Not following Jesus means your life is forfeit to meaninglessness. We are all good as dead. The only difference is that death is our friend, ushering us into God's Presence, but they fear it.

Should there be some kind of round-up to compel people to take a vaccine in connection with the next manufactured pandemic, I would most certainly resist with violence. I wouldn't allow them to take me alive. Most people I know have said the same thing. Is such a scenario possible? Yes, but wholly unlikely.

I live in a Red State that didn't cooperate very well with the COVID mandates. It's not as if we have no Blue folks in our state government, but they know better than to push their luck on something like that. The real threat is that the medical system is damnably stupid about this, as if there couldn't possibly be any objections. They deny that any other treatments exist and cannot imagine anyone complaining about adverse reactions from the vaxx. These are the professional killers; the soldiers or police aren't the real threat. The medical system is now the murder system, simply because the people are far more reliable in blindly conforming to the top-down demands.

If you live in a place where you believe facing troops or police is more likely, let me suggest something: Don't explain. Don't enter into any discussion about your objections. Whatever form of resistance your convictions call for, engage without so much as a declaration. We are already in a war zone. Just start acting -- hide, flee or fight.

I have reason to hope my state government will refuse to play along with the next manufactured medical crisis. Given all the other issues that have raised the cry of secession from various corners, it may not take that long. I still expect the end of the next calendar year will see us in a radically different world. A lot of changes are coming between now and then.

Still, I don't foresee anything that resembles tactical battles with federal troops of any kind, and certainly not from state and local badged thugs. The only reason for keeping a gun is because it's for sure petty crime will rise significantly as the economy crumbles. I need protection from crooks, not cops. The police will be overwhelmed; I could end up helping to protect them.

These are my convictions.



Scanning my emails, I saw the subject line in this post's notification email and thought it said "Crime Is the Treat."

Wonder what would happen if the military really got involved with things. There might be enough split loyalties that there would be a lot of internecine conflict -- too much to really accomplish any long term/tactical goals.

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