04 November 2023
We've said this before: God didn't choose Israel; He built the nation from scratch. They were His means of revelation. Their language was perfect for the job, and their culture was what He made of their humble beginnings. Their intellectual heritage was exactly what people needed to have in their heads in order to understand Him.
Yet, their national character was seldom up to His standards. They kept lapsing back into the chaotic morals of the nations around them, or some far nation they admired. They rarely operated as the nation He meant for them to be, always trying to abandon the gifts He gave them.
On the one hand, we can go back and replicate their intellectual heritage. We can embrace the mystical orientation and rise above the flesh. On the other hand, we are not children of Abraham's flesh. We cannot change our DNA to have their character traits. That's a good thing, because the Lord said they were some of the hardest people to deal with.
Somewhere between the Hebrew mindset and Hebrew bad habits, I'm convinced it's possible to discover where the Lord meant for us to be, too. As there are so few -- throughout western church history -- who gave a fig for the Hebrew mindset, we don't have much to build on. We are exploring new territory, for the most part. It's not that people over the past two millennia lacked faith, but they lacked the intellectual traditions of the Hebrews, which is the mind of Christ.
What can we change in ourselves? What should we try to change? What part of our western ways belong in the trash? What can we Gentiles embrace? There's no question that God has plans for us. The question is how can we capitalize on what comes built into us as various non-Hebrew races.
Different races do have different characters. This is part of the reason for my previous assertions that you cannot mix races in a community without the full power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We must find a meaning for the Covenant in our lives that doesn't presume something impossible.
On top of that, we have to deal with that vast distance of 2000 years minimum. We need to separate principles from context. This is not simply a hobby; it is a mandate from God. We must rightly divide the Word; we must develop the mind of Christ.
Notice I say "we" -- it's not me. This must be the combined efforts and gifts of others. Don't wait for me to hand you any answers.
But the urgency is propelled also by the proximity of war and tribulation. It's not just on the battlefield where destruction falls. Our national economy will take a major hit as the wealthy make one more effort to plunder everything they haven't yet taken from us. Without the Covenant covering, we will be taken down with everyone else.
We must sharpen our desire for the Lord. He will read our commitment to Him and grant us answers we could not possibly come up with on our own. There's no time to waste.
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