Catacomb Resident Blog

The Utter Impossibility of Liberty

18 November 2023

Someone asked me about the various political agendas, and I admit it's very confusing. That's intentional. The various powers aligned against Christ and His kingdom of hearts are all committed to confusing the issue as much as possible.

From a biblical viewpoint, the oldest agenda is that of the Jewish elite. Once Christ dissolved the Old Covenant on the Cross, the Devil became their lord. The Devil has done his best to bury the gospel under a blizzard of nonsense. The primary agenda of the Jewish elite is simply the False Messianic Expectations. They have rejected the otherworldly Covenant mandate in favor of a worldly outcome that grants them exactly what Jesus rejected in the Wilderness Temptation: worldly prosperity, the power of false miracles, and political control of all humanity.

It's important to note that while this agenda led to the Judaizer attack on Christian faith early in the game, they have largely won that battle, and so their obsessions have led in other directions. The organized Christian religion is far off track. But that same success has caused other problems for the Jewish agenda. The bogus Christian religion embraced by northern European whites became a political threat to Jews, so the current primary thrust of the Jewish elite agenda is destroying white people and Western Civilization.

Zionism is a peculiar offshoot of the original Jewish agenda. Recovering the lands Israel once held has become an obsession for a significant part of the Jewish population of the world, particularly the religious orthodox. It's not central to the original Jewish agenda, but a reflection of it. Zionism is how they keep so many Jewish people, and Christians, busy chasing something the elite don't take seriously. Meanwhile, it serves to distract and mislead the rest of the world, as well.

The Zionist agenda has been used to capture a host of western Christians through Dispensationalism (which started for entirely different reasons, but was hijacked by Zionists). There are several major "Christian" conspiracy groups included in this, each with a political agenda. There is no viable right-wing agenda that isn't held captive to Dispensationalism; any attempt to break that grip has been stomped into the ground repeatedly (Contract with America, Tea Party, etc.).

At some point after the birth of political Zionism, a particularly demonic bunch from the Jewish elite coalesced into the Straussian cult. This one is murky; the leadership were careful to avoid putting anything in writing, and the cult members have avoided discussing it with outsiders. We have some comments from Strauss that indicate it remains a part of the Jewish elite agenda, but with a specific set of plans to mislead the West and convince western leaders to fund various wars in terms of resources and bodies.

All we really know about the Straussians is how their agenda has manifested in the neocons. The neocons are the lackeys for the Straussians; it's not exactly the same people. The neocons have committed themselves in writing (the PNAC agenda), so we know that their plan has been the particular politics of destroying seven countries that the Jewish elite consider roadblocks to their agenda. So far, all but one is finished -- only Iran is left. They thought they had Iran when the CIA took down the Mossadegh government and replaced him with the Shah. But the Islamic student uprising turned that around; Iran became a target again.

While not specifically on the PNAC agenda, both Russia and China have become targets, but are more complicated than the smaller seven Islamic governments.

The globalists are a misguided bunch, a chaotic collective whose agenda is to take over the world political and economically. How they expect to rule depends on which of them you ask. They aren't honestly leftist in leadership, but use leftism as the means of controlling the mixed multitude of lackeys who do their dirty work. The whole mess is indirectly controlled by the Jewish elite, taking advantage of westerners who hate them. The globalist leadership comes in various degrees of pretending to love Israel, but are often secretly anti-Jewish, believing that they are using the Jews. They represent the WEF, Trilaterals, Club of Rome, Bilderbergs, etc. This also includes the whole bag of silly stuff like secret societies (Illuminati, Freemasons, Skull and Crossbones, various Satanic groups, etc.).

We also have the banking elite, generally represented by the Rothschilds and their allies. While Jewish in identity, they do not really adhere to any single agenda these days. Rather, the banking system serves as a vehicle for the agendas already listed. The western banking system is one major project. They also have their hands behind the BRICS+ thing. Their only agenda, if we could call it that, is to remain in control of all finance regardless of whose finances. Their commitments are only vaguely Jewish in nature, in the sense that they aren't unified by anything except the control itself. Their primary control is via debt.

While it's not a viable agenda, I cannot avoid mentioning the rather amorphous American nationalist mythology. It's cynically used to keep the majority of Americans busy (those who aren't lost in self-indulgent entertainment), chasing something that never existed, and never will. This is the patriot noise we all endure. A special category of this is the libertarian movement (both capital "L" and the others). The entire thing is wholly impotent because ideas are all they have. Some tiny portion are willing to organize and engage in violent revolt, but that is highly discouraged, so this movement cannot possibly succeed. They do not realize they are being controlled from the outside, and are a bigger threat to themselves than anyone else.

If you are politically inclined at all, this is what you are up against. Assuming for a moment that all you really care about is liberty, there is no single target. The whole world is your threat. If you could manage to eradicate any one of these groups, the others would be empowered.

And by the way: The war in Ukraine is an American neocon/globalist war. It will end when Russia breaks down, or the Ukrainians are spent. Then another proxy will be chosen. The war in Gaza is an American war against Iran, and it will end on similar terms. And any future warfare involving China will be an American war.

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