29 November 2023
I've been studying some of the evidence cited by Suspicious Observers (SO) regarding future solar catastrophes. Granted, my knowledge is limited, but you have to start somewhere. This is by no means official Radix Fidem teaching, just my own opinion.
Their claims:
1. A 12,000 year cycle of galactic scale gravity waves emanating from the center galaxy. This brings a massive cloud of dust washing over each star, causing them to micro-nova.
2. The earth's mantle will unlock from the core and shift, causing massive tsunamis that will flood all but the highest of dry elevations.
3. As part of this gravity wave activity, the earth's magnetic poles will shift around, disrupting Earth's shield, leaving the surface of the planet wide open to whatever the sun spits out.
All metals on the planet will heat up from a wash of charged particles from the sun. Virtually all life on the planet will be wiped out, except for those few who figure out how to build a shelter in the ground that doesn't have any metal in it. Indications are that this catastrophe will strike within the next 50 years, and most probably in about 20 years.
The weakest claim in the stack is the idea that there will be massive tidal waves as earth's crust will unlock and shift suddenly. So far as I know, no one has duplicated the original ice core inspections on which this is based. There are lots of ice cores taken every year, but nothing that matches what's in the single book that SO relies on. I've already noted how the SO leadership have blasphemed the Scripture's promise that God would never destroy the earth by flooding again. I don't believe God is a liar.
The galactic gravity wave form is quite probable, but the massive dust wash is almost pure speculation. Far too much of the data can be explained other ways. Thus, a solar micro-nova is rather improbable, though not impossible. We won't know until we get closer to proposed time frame (mid-2040s). If our sun starts getting choked up on excess galactic dust, it will become quite visible.
The one thing that is quite certain is the magnetic polar excursion. That is currently happening, so the only thing we don't really know is what comes with that. If the magnetic poles wander too far from their current locations, it's hard to imagine there won't be a warping of the Earth's magnetic field. And that the field is weakening is already causing trouble. We don't really know what will happen when the poles converge in the Andaman Sea, but it's bound to be hard for all the life on this planet.
Just having the gravity shield collapse, even if only briefly, would be a catastrophe of its own. The routine solar wind would become very destructive, never mind a significant flare or CME. It would not require a micro-nova to destroy things on the Earth's surface.
A lot of this whole package depends on what you make of the first 11 chapters of Genesis, among other things. I don't profess to hold a solid timeline, but I reject the one Bishop Ussher came up with. I've already said that I believe human life began on this planet when it was already in a very aged condition, and that God would have created it in that condition.
It's extremely difficult to get our heads around what it's like for God to exist outside of our time and space envelope. God can touch our world anywhere He likes, but also anywhen. He is not bound by our sense of sequence. I'm not troubled by the notion of multiple universes and multiple realities, and I'm utterly certain that God's mind is simply beyond our comprehension. Thus, He may well have had some kind of simulation running in the background and reached in to pull our Earth into reality at some point convenient to Him, and then put us here. It wasn't necessary for our world (and the rest of the universe) to have actually aged however long it appears to have done so.
Thus, it really doesn't matter what may have happened in our universe's past, in that whatever comes in the future is subject to His whims, regardless of what may look like previous patterns to us. So, a 12,000 year cycle is not necessarily locked in place. He can readjust Creation on-the-fly. And when He gets tired of it all, He'll unmake as much as suits Him.
I'm just not worried about what's coming. Our fleshly existence is a lie in the first place, and the whole universe is whatever He says it is.
Jay DiNitto
Small terminology correction here. Ben proposes that it's a electromagnetic wave emanating from the galactic core, not a gravity wave -- he often calls it the "galactic current sheet" (GCS) in his videos. Really, though, the GCS is widely known, but not studied a whole lot... so the "proposition" part is the dust it carries, accumulating around the sun during a galactic minimum, but you mention that as much.
I'm not too worried either, but I am keeping at eye on things and learning, just because I'm drawn to this sort of thing.
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