13 January 2024
It's likely that you pay some attention to the TV news in your area, and maybe the national networks, as well. How much actual knowledge and understanding lies behind those pretty faces? You can bet that their education was very lopsided, and that they actually believe most of the crap they say on camera. I'm not referring to whether they are conservative of progressive. I'm referring to believing in the system that gives them a job. It's altogether likely that they actually trust the sources they use to put together their presentations.
They are lying and don't know it. We don't actually call them "liars" in practice, because they aren't trying to deceive. They are patsies who don't really know any better. No, we can't read their minds, but it's not necessary. We are just making generalities to explain the broader situation. I've known a few journalists, and have communicated with a lot of people who know even more journalists. Journalism has never been about informing; it's always been about selling selected information. There's a big difference between those two.
Even when they called it "journalism", the business of publishing current events has always been about getting a paycheck for entertaining people. They have a talent for presentation, not for actually knowing anything. People who honestly know what's going on seldom have any talent for telling it. And if they do, they are a threat to those who have invested so much in cornering the market on presentation.
Keeping control of that market means shaping the consumers of their product. They will deny doing that, but you can bet that the vast majority of what passes for American culture today was built by the people who control what you hear about. We have been manipulated by the marketers to salivate for whatever it is they want to sell. And over the past couple of centuries in particular, it's a matter of what they are told to sell.
I've already invested a lot of blather in talking about Zionism and its related nonsense that has pervaded our society. Are you aware of how the demands of Zionism show up all over the culture? For example, it's not just church doctrine, but the very way we do church, and all the assumptions about what "church" means that are affected by the demand to keep a clear and smooth highway for Zionism. Every element of church education and worship has been tweaked to favor Zionism.
Zionism owns the whole gamut of American education, publishing, entertainment, social trends and politics. Oh, and mainstream religion, too. With each passing day, more and more of the independent thoughts are being silenced. And as part of the package, even our expectations of apocalypse are tainted to support Zionism. Every time some new measure of oppression is introduced, it's likely the majority of people were looking somewhere else.
We hear warnings about economic and political collapse. That's what they want you to fear. On the one hand, those things will happen. They are inevitable. On the other hand, the real threat is somewhere else. What we see coming will not be the End Times; it won't be an attack on faith itself. Rather, it will be another cycle of rather ordinary religious persecution: Zionists will seek to silence anyone who doesn't support their agenda. It will be an information war, seeking to shape how everyone thinks.
No one is going to hit us harder than the churches. I'm sure that sounds silly right now. I'm not in a position to see just how that will play out. My guess is, at a minimum, they are seeking to inculcate a fanaticism about Zionism that will make the people very hard to reach. I believe this is what Jesus faced to some degree in His day. The people who come to us will be the ones whose convictions are marginalized by the mainstream church culture.
Keep your eye on this. Our community is expecting an exodus from the mainstream, particularly over the issue of support for Israel. To be honest, we may not see it in the news, but we can sense it in our hearts that this is already underway. Pray that the Lord help you see the sheep fleeing the slaughter pens.
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