20 April 2024
My disdain for so-called "social justice" is not because of some American conservative instinct. It is because "social justice" is confused with God's actual intention for how humans should live.
Divine justice is restoring God's preferred order of things. It has nothing to do with the material/physical justice western minds instinctively expect. To be more precise, rearranging the distribution of material assets would be a side-effect, not at all part of the actual core purpose.
To be honest, divine justice would mean a smaller pie in the first place. It would mean people learning not to care much about material comfort. Scripture promises moderate prosperity under the Covenant.
And notice that it means "under the Covenant", not under some presumed objective material standard. Scripture does not promote civilization at all, but calls us back to a much simpler, primitive way of life. The people are the structure; they should not be slaves to some intellectual ideal structure. That means everyone stops chasing wealth; no one is allowed to have much except by God's hand. It means an orientation that accepts what God gives through His own mysterious provision.
And when you have His provision, you share it with your covenant family. Depending on a number of factors, you may or may not share it with those outside the covenant community. It's neither capitalist nor communist; it's feudal family wealth. The family is the treasure and the stuff is just part of the family. Chances are, those outside the family are not poverty-stricken, but are quite wealthy in material terms, but the wealth is very poorly distributed. They lack that family connection with each other.
Most of the materially poor of this world are nowhere near a covenant identity. They are in want largely because they didn't adhere to the most basic covenant obligations. They have no valid concept of what they should want, and they aren't approaching God with any request that He would entertain. The dispossessed who have had their lands taken from them lost it because it was not theirs by any covenant promise. In God's eyes, they have no room to complain. Without the covenant foundation, all kinds of random evil will come your way.
There is no valid claim on Christian support of Arabs, Palestinians, Kurds, etc. to return to their historical homelands. They are not covenant people; God didn't promise them anything. The one nation that received such a promise threw away their covenant. The Jewish occupation of Palestine is not under any covenant. They are carrying on in the same rejection of covenant that Jesus faced when He walked that land. It is no kind of justice for modern Israel to exist without submission to the Messiah who already came and went.
And the "Christian" Armenians have no claim, either, because their religion is a very long way from covenant faith. For them, "Christian religion" is just a cultural term; they do not follow Christ.
And all the minority races in America today are no different from the whites: Everyone wants a bigger piece of the pie. The whole question devolves into how to make a pie and how to cut it, not how to find divine justice. Nobody gives a damn what God thinks, nor what He has said. The "injustice" they all talk about is just par for the course outside the Covenant. Deal with it.
It's very sad for Bailey to promote a false image of "justice", but it's also par for the course.
Hear hear!
Jay DiNitto
Yes sir. "Justice" usually just means in modern terms a form of material wealth -- land, money -- to be brought about by a law, ruling, executive order. It has little to do with finding peace with God, or even bothering to know what He'd want from us in the first place.
Fun and Prophet
Redistributive "justice" is legendarily based on envy. And envy, according to certain dark psychological analyses, does not so much spring from the pleasurable imagination of possessing someone else's stuff, as it looks forward to the sadistic thrill of taking away, destroying their enjoyment. And them.
Same old story. Steal. Kill. Destroy. *Stuff* is incidental. Yet Covenant treasure is inalienable, now, and as laid-up eternal inheritance.
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