08 September 2024
There is the Person of Jesus Christ, our living Covenant with God. Coming to Him means we discover that this world is not our home; we were not made for this. It means we recognize the distinction between our divine destiny in Election and the life we must live while we are here.
The word "principles" is misleading; there are moral themes by which this world operates. He has revealed them in the history of revelation in the Bible, and in His Son and that first generation of people who followed Him. These themes are not so much legislation as they are a reflection of God's character, and fundamental life processes of this plane of existence. They are not binding on our convictions. There is a considerable difference between what glorifies Him versus merely what works on a human plane. Sometimes our convictions demand we do things that make no sense. Sometimes we must count the cost and disregard those moral themes for a higher eternal priority.
Jesus spoke and acted in ways that He knew would nail Him to the Cross. Sometimes you must sacrifice.
What makes this so difficult is that vast amount of human ignorance and downright lies about the moral themes. Do you realize that Satan understands these themes? He uses them, too. But he hates humans, so he lies about how things work, intending that humans not live as well as they could, never mind their eternal destiny. Let's talk about some of these moral themes by which Creation operates.
It was God's idea that mankind should live tribally. That's part of the lesson of the Tower of Babel. We should have many small nations with different languages, cultures, etc. We shouldn't mix together too much; it disrupts social stability, something that matters a great deal. Jews observe this theme, but they don't want us to; they prefer having us all confused and mixed together. That way we aren't as likely to resist their manipulations. They are the most racist people on earth, but they have convinced everyone to pick on whites.
Oddly enough, whites were the first to ignore God's tribal separations. When Jews first began trying to convince our people to blend with others, we embraced it immediately. It turns out that whites can easily be the least racist people on earth. It takes work to make us hate. What matters most to us is our collection of social rules.
If you are genuine materialist, then white cultural habits are the best way to go. Once white Germanic tribes discovered that there was a resource rich world out there, the white social cohesion and sense of order quickly brought them to the top of power. Their high-trust society was the primary path to wealth. Low-trust societies keep putting up internal barriers to the flow of industry and social stability. Low trust societies are exceedingly wasteful of resources and capital, promoting self-centeredness.
So, once whites built a new nation with a vast wealth of natural resources (stolen, but that's not the point), and gained the all-too-natural prosperity that comes with their high-trust habits and materialism, suddenly everyone else wants in on it. Which white folks are only too glad to share, but only if you buy into white social and economic habits. Otherwise, you'll be a drain on the prosperity.
That demand is not evil; that's the way God made us, the whole human race. You cannot prosper and have stability unless you buy into a high-trust social structure, and everyone obeys the same rules. It's not the most wonderful thing for everyone in that society, but it's a darned sight more prosperous than any other social structure. It's not the white skin; it's the social psychology, the culture, the linguistic structure.
The non-white folks coming here never had a high-trust society, but found it very easy to get away with their low-trust predations in our society in favor of their own tribe. Some were dragged here against their will, for sure, but plenty came here to get in on the wealth. Sooner or later it was easy pickings, and they stayed. Those who went back where they came from immediately sank back into the native poverty of their low-trust societies.
Keep an eye on something here: The Law of Moses was intended to teach a high-trust social structure. This was one part of the Covenant Israel never learned. They rejected it. God was trying to warn them that His blessing would be wasted and they would have nothing to show for it. Jesus made a very pointed lesson in the Parable of the Good Samaritan about high-trust social behaviors, among other things. Samaritans had the same social rules as Jews, and were better at observing them (a reflection on God's condemnation of Israel for being the single most difficult nation on earth).
By no means would I suggest material wealth and comfort is everything. Rather, it's just that any culture that inhibits a high-trust social structure is not going to maximize the opportunities for wealth. This is simply how this world is designed. The point is that you cannot obey Christ without moving in that direction for His glory, never mind the material gains. The Kingdom of God is a high-trust society.
Further, leftism is inherently a low-trust social structure. It's even more materialistic than the more conservative "capitalist" outlook, and leftism is massively wasteful of resources. Leftism cannot avoid impoverishing a nation. It enforces the unfairness of wealth disparities, despite all the noise about such things. If wealth really matters, you are going to do what conservative white merchants did when this country was founded. If you do not first build a high-trust social order, with all the included unfairness of human talent and ability, then you cannot transfer wealth and have it do any good.
And if you are going to follow Christ, you will stay out of the way of the mass stupidity that keeps people from embracing God's design. We reject white middle class culture, too, but for entirely different reasons.
Footnote: I am not blind to the high-trust culture of the Native Americans. Nor do I ignore their high sensitivity to the moral sphere and their strong reverence for nature. Their weakness was their paganism; their wisdom was not rooted in divine truth. When you aren't following God's revelation, you have no defense against things like materialism. God works only in covenants. Whites owe a vast moral debt to the victims of their rapacious conquest of North America. The natives may well have the last laugh when natural processes destroy Western Civilization for good.
Dan D.
"Do you realize that Satan understands these themes?"
Man, you really have some great comments in this blog of yours. Satan plays us like a guitar of doom. Literally our only defense is the Holy Spirit.
Dan D.
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