Catacomb Resident Blog

Don't Try to Save It

13 September 2024

Let's talk about the reality of where American politics are going.

We know that no one is interested in turning back to the God who made us. They are all serving various false gods. The genuine spiritual outlook is missing, and cannot be put back into the situation. All we have left are various man-made efforts.

If you want to see a materialist revolution, it will be communism. If you want to see any other kind of revolution, then the people at large must believe in higher values of some sort, something for which they are willing to die. We no longer have that in the US, so there will be no popular revolt against the encroaching globalist regime. That leaves only the smaller powers of oligarchs and state governments refusing to cooperate with the current crop of globalist leaders.

The socialist instincts run too deep, and "conservative" is merely a relative term. The classical libertarian philosophy is extinct, relegated to mere academic propositions that no one takes seriously. The population at large simply does not understand it, does not feel it. And our covenant position, which is what humans genuinely need, is actively hated. The population at large prefers some form of socialism. It's just a question of which coalition of evil rulers will win.

While socialism can be tolerable, we aren't going to get that, either. The real problem is that everyone involved in government is pre-programmed to oppress. The flavor of their oppression won't matter; everyone involved in American government is a destroyer at heart. Nobody cares about the people, least of all covenant people. There are no good guys; there is no valid agenda that we can support.

This is why our covenant agenda means standing on the sidelines. Nobody represents us; we are alone. Should the Lord bring more people under the Covenant, it would still be too few to register on the political consciousness of society. We will never be more than a niche community. Most of what you see going on around us does not involve us; it only touches us because we cannot totally escape.

Any strategy we envision must include this reality. As noted previously here, the only thing we share with anyone outside the Covenant are the tools of communication. In order for us to operate as God commands, we will maximize our use of the Internet and defend freedom of access for everyone, whether in consumption or production of content. Censorship is our one common enemy that we can fight alongside the non-covenant people out there.

In pragmatic terms, those who use Android, Chrome OS or Windows are already suffering some restrictions, and it will only get worse. Those who use Apple devices do so only slightly less restricted. If you dare to use Linux, BSD or other "free" systems, you will be free the longest. That's simply the facts. You must decide which threats God wants you to handle.

My point is that the choice is not entirely rational. We are supposed to suffer some of the same troubles everyone else faces. You must know what God wants for your testimony. We have no interest in changing the situation, only the hearts of individual people. If you get worked up about the Constitution and our rights, then you cannot focus on the Bible. Those two documents work in opposing directions. Let's stop talking about the Constitution and a genuine constitutional government; it ain't happening.

Instead, we will have big shots, mostly working on one team or another, trying to grab their share of plunder. There are oligarchs with enough money and influence to buy government policy without actually getting involved in politics. And some will try to do both (like Trump).

This is the season when Satan and his servants will provoke a crescendo of evil. What will happen is a whole lot of bad government with competing agendas. We can align provisionally with one oligarch or another, even pray for their covering, not because they are on our side, but that the huge shadow of their reach might serve our mission. For example, while we know that he's not being honest about his intentions, we can support Musk in his opposition to various national governments as long as we can make use of any of his projects. He's not a good guy, but he's useful to us.

Zuckerberg is 100% enemy; so is Google, just more subtly. Microsoft is still useful, and Apple is okay. The problem is when we discover someone working against our covenant interests. More to the point, the most useful category of political concern is censorship. Almost everything else we can handle, but being silenced is the ultimate threat to the gospel message. God will make a way, but He is determined to use us in the process.

Again, there is no policy of human regulation that can save people from their sinful fleshly inclinations without asserting full covenant control and building an entire social structure around it. As long God grants us no leverage for that, then forming a covenant government over people is not in the cards. God forbid you should be so stupid as to imagine the US Constitution helps in any way; it was evil from the beginning. It stands on a Devil-inspired foundation of secularism. The question is not making government better; that ain't gonna happen.

The question is finding a means to promoting the gospel message on a par with everything else that seeks to grab human attention. Not using their methods of manipulation, but we must get our message out there the way God intended. We know that the whole system of human government is doing a slow burn down to the ground; nothing can be saved. It's an apocalypse. We should be surprised that anyone survives.

The point is that His Word must be sounded to the last moment.

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