Catacomb Resident Blog

It's Our Turn

08 November 2024

I want you to rattle the cage of your memories: What kind of wicked plot could be used to seize control, regardless of the formal system of government? How can the oppressors bypass the normal levers of power so that it doesn't matter who is in the executive offices or legislature or courts? Is there a parallel system of government that exists already and is ripe for hijacking?

The recent pandemic scan should give you a clue, as would the hurricane disaster response. This system has been hammered out over decades, and it's easily the most hateful and dehumanizing system you've ever seen. It empowers people who love power but could never win any elections if their lives depended on it.

And if there is anything that could possibly provoke an armed rebellion, this alternative system of emergency government would do it. Because anything that happens now is 100% guaranteed to be bogus, and everyone can see it. That won't keep the wicked from trying it. All it requires is some plausible declaration of emergency.

None of this is news. We've long suspected they would do it again. Lots of people see this clearly from a purely human understanding. When I refer to sensing in my convictions a dark power lurking in the background, it's not that we don't already see it coming in theory. Rather, it's the assurance that it has already been decided at the level of demonic operations.

Keep in mind our Radix Fidem community teaching that humans aren't that creative. Everything in human affairs is rooted in demonic activity. This world is the Devil's domain, and with the support of his allies on the elohim council, he brings Hell to earth in cycles that are quite predictable. It's a rise and fall rhythm that keeps mankind forever on a leash. The current stage of the cycle is destruction of human ambition. And that typically means allowing Satan's human minions to get the impression they are on the cusp of winning, right before they are crushed. This cycle is very much the theme of John's Revelation.

Laying this understanding as the foundation for trying to grasp broader human events is what Scripture requires of us. The same cycle applies to every civilization. They are founded on lies and collapse on lies. Each time it's the same bait-n-switch Satan pulls and humans keep falling for it. The West is no different. We are now reaching the pinnacle of what the West was meant to be in Satan's plans. While people can see it's in decline, those who wield power are convinced it can be saved.

Covenant people can sense what Satan is doing in the background. I'm hardly the only writer talking about this right now. During the voting process the other night, we all began smelling the smoke of wicked resolve. It was something specific to the moral realm, something that was more than mere theory. Our hearts cried out that the face of Darkness could be glimpsed in a way that was not previously visible. The Devil will use this election to cover something wicked for which we had no specific human knowledge.

The tip-off is the lack of protesting. It's not as if there is none, but there are a pitiful few tame demonstrations. In the normal human patterns of activity, there was every reason to expect a substantial amount of rioting over the election results. And protests cost money. If those resources were not expended according to the known plans of professional agitators, then they would be used in some other way. And that other way is something that would bypass the results of the election.

Meanwhile, there are rumors that Trump's lieutenants are already plotting some kind of "palace coup" to remove him and take over. Can you imagine a return to CIA/neocon rule like it was under the Bushes? That doesn't discount anything I've written above. It just adds an extra angle to the same dark conspiracy, and helps to point out just who is working with whom.

I cannot offer facts to convince you. If your convictions don't sense the same thing, then nothing I say here will make any difference. But if you are inclined by conviction to resist evil, then get ready for it. We have our work cut out for us.

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