11 January 2025
We cannot avoid doing politics; our duty is to do it right. The whole body of biblical guidance on politics is rooted in the Covenant. It's critical that we recognize the boundaries this establishes for us. But that we must engage in politics is unavoidable; it is simply a necessity of the human condition.
In the Bible, the essence of outsider politics is first recognizing the overwhelming power of the Unseen Realm. We've discussed at length learning how to recognize the various signatures and their priorities. Second, we must understand how Creation itself is wired when it comes to recognizing God's priorities and what constitutes "good results". We cannot afford to be sidetracked by human logic on these issues.
So, for example, we know that biblical politics is inherently personal. The only reason we pay any attention to ideology and agendas is so that we can identify the people who are the biggest threat to the goals of the Covenant. The mythology of fairness is a lie from Hell; people are the biggest problem we face. More to the point, it's people who are driven to play bad roles. The only reason their ideals matter is so that we can identify them as a problem that we must handle. Thus, Covenant politics is not about agendas and ideology, but about people. Some people need to be removed from positions of power, and in theory at least, that could include violence. The western obsession with ideals and "nothing personal" is from Hell. It's meant to hobble obeying the Covenant.
Do you understand that Judaism was born of a hatred for the Covenant? The leadership of Judah came to hate the one thing that gave them their unique identity -- God's favor -- and exchanged it for a huge lie. And lying became a major feature of whatever it is that Judaism does that Satan loves so much. A primary feature of Jewish identity is lying to the Gentiles about what is in their own best interest. Jews don't just reject the Covenant, but hide it from the rest of the world. Instead, they infiltrate the leadership of Gentile societies and inject an agenda that weakens that society against Jewish predation.
It was Jewish leadership that herded the people into the American political situation we see today. It was divide and conquer. They have polarized the political fabric of this country, and both sides are lies. They used the Progressive Movement first, and when resistance blossomed, they eventually hijacked that as well. The rhetoric has always been elevating ideas and concepts, while teaching their lackeys to operate as if it was personal.
Some of us understand that, despite the rhetoric, the Progressive movement has always been rather consistent in making politics personal. Look at what they've done, not what they say. Sadly, they are fired by a fundamental materialism that shares the same core commitments as communism. It's not communism by definition, but it's another manifestation of the same ugly human self-hatred that gave life to communism. Progressives have always been a minority in this country, and they have been the ruling ideology since at least the Civil War.
There has always been a core on the right who understood this, but they were never in power. Even if they managed to take office, they were denied the power to act. Instead, the political leadership always bought into the mythology that the Enlightenment philosophy is somehow superior and effective. It has never worked, and it never will. Thus, the right can win elections through rhetoric, but can never rule. While the voters believe the rhetoric, it never works.
Here's what matters to us: All of this is entirely outside the Covenant of Christ. Nothing about this reflects what Jesus actually said at the Last Seder, nor in the Great Commission. It is not operating by God's Law. Instead, outsiders are simply following the Nephilim doctrine of half-truths, of seizing the methods without the power of the Spirit.
When I warned on this blog that there was something dark and ugly hiding in the shadows of Trump's election, I began praying to know what it was. While I can give it a label -- the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) -- don't get lost in the words. What matters is not the specific definition of this movement, but what it does. It makes a religion of the same self-hating materialism as the Progressives, but it's a different flavor. It's different enough that voters are convinced, but the foundation is the same basic lie. It's still built on sand, not on the Rock of Christ. Instead, it wears a mask and claims to be Christ, but is the Devil in disguise.
Feel free to look up the NAR in your favorite search engine. You'll find a little bit of propaganda written by those who don't like it, and a good bit less noise by those who do. Somewhere in all of that, you can likely discern by your convictions some thread of truth. If there is anything that will gain sufficient power to censor our message, it will be the NAR folks. They aren't simply Zionist, but are politically organized here in the US to become the primary reason Trump won the election. The political left never saw it coming, because they haven't been paying enough attention to the NAR. This movement has traction with the voters.
But don't restrict your awareness to those who profess that label. Notice the signature of their ways and actions. We'll talk about that tomorrow.
This document is public domain; spread the message.