12 January 2025
It's not a beast by its nature, but a beast in effect. I'm not saying all the people involved are awful or wicked; the whole thing is seriously misguided. The people most likely to censor the Radix Fidem community will include some very close to us in many ways. On the other hand, there are some really wicked people involved in this, and it's not easy to sift them out without taking a much closer look.
Our community has looked at the NAR before. Over on the Radix Fidem Blog we have this (written in 2018) and this (2011). From the first link is this reminder:
Do I need to name names? This thing has bound together Life Church, Daystar, Hillsong, and any number of other huge monster churches/franchises too numerous to name. It includes a huge portion of the Assemblies of God, Youth with a Mission, American Family Association and includes such luminaries as TD Jakes, Rick Warren, David Yonggi Cho, and so forth. One of the names under which they associate is New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). You'll see terms like Latter Rain, Joel's Army, Toronto Revival, Vineyard Fellowship, Third Wave (Pentecostalism), and a whole industry under the guise of Christian Counseling (though not yet having hijacked the whole range of Christian Counselors).
It's not that all of those things, and every person involved, is on board with the danger. The thing I'm pointing at is much bigger and doesn't have any obvious labels. My choice to call it "NAR" is convenient, but many will argue whether this or that is really a part of it. Should we simply use the oxymoron label "Christian Nationalism"? As soon as it involves nationalism, it's no longer Christian. Rather than get bogged down in such arguments, let's just look at what makes it so dangerous to us.
The first problem is the nationalism angle. Following Christ requires that, on some level, you denounce all your fleshly identity. You nail the fleshly nature to the Cross. It doesn't end your fleshly existence, but we seek to take away its power. That includes forsaking your ethnic identity. It's one thing to note that your flesh belongs to this or that identity on the human level, but it's altogether another thing to allow that identity to shape your choices.
We realize that on the human level, nationalism is a necessity. You cannot stamp it out on the human level. But when the Holy Spirit begins to move, your human identity dies. Covenant submission to Christ is the only way you can possibly transcend nationalism, but He also demands you do so. Every human effort to rise above nationalism is false -- globalism, Zionism, etc. Christian Nationalism is a move of the flesh, not of the Holy Spirit. Christ does not work that way. This is nothing more than falsely sanctifying the pagan Northern European culture in general, and American culture in particular. That it seeks to filter out some elements of American culture for some imaginary purified version doesn't make it any better.
The second problem is the inherent deception of the whole thing. There is a core leadership that is wicked to the bone, cynically using this for very human ambitions. These are not godly people. They will act the part all day, every day. They delight in harnessing the zeal of Christian faith, but these people are not led by the Holy Spirit; it's some other spirit. I don't pretend to know what's in their heads, but I've met them personally in the past. Whenever you get away from the crowds, in their private moments, these leaders are just as venal as any thuggish drug lord. It may not be the honest moral turpitude of the crooks, but it's the same hedonism at the core. Take a look at how they use money for their own personal comfort. These are not the kind of men who would have slept on the ground with Jesus.
Yes, we know where this comes from. The third problem is how deeply this whole movement is enslaved to Zionism, which is just one face of the far bigger Jewish plot to enslave humanity as a whole. Instead of chasing that rabbit here, I will simply note that the rabid Zionism of this NAR/Christian Nationalism thing is a natural result of what gives it life. That some portion of the Christian Nationalist movement is not Zionist doesn't make it any less a creature of Jewish subversion. They are all chasing a human political solution dangled as a carrot in front of them. This is how Constantine sidetracked the early church leadership in his time. This is a vehicle for eventual Jewish conquest of Gentiles, which in turn serves the wicked agenda of Satan and his allies on the Divine Council.
On the surface, this political shift is going to appear rather sensible in many ways to plurality of Americans. But it's the same ancient agenda of the Nephilim at work here, offering a lot of things we like and need, but at the cost of neglecting the holiness of God's favor. One way or another, this works to entrap believers in a false worldly ambition that was part of the Temptation in the Wilderness. This is the Beast I saw in the shadows of Trump's election. I'm going to call it the NAR because I have no better label. Sooner or later, these people will seek to silence our otherworldly message and our denunciation of their worldly orientation.
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