Catacomb Resident Blog

Human Plans Are Nothing

17 January 2025

Mysticism is typically thought of as avoiding real world responsibilities.

If that's where it leads, then it's a false mysticism. The whole point of biblical mysticism is that we seek -- and obtain -- a direct connection with God. He comes to life in our souls and speaks to us. We assert that this is not special in the sense that we have gained something others cannot have. Rather, we assert that that this is what we were made for, and that it's an anomaly to not have this divine Presence (the Holy Spirit) inside of us.

And because we strive to move at His command, we don't evaluate things the same as folks who don't have/use that connection with God. We don't care what those people say are our responsibilities; we care what God says they are. Everyone who isn't connected to Him according to our divine design are fools on their way to Hell. Unless you have your own connection with God, there is little we can do to help you.

Scripture flatly says that the broader political and social scene is not in our hands. It could be, in theory, but only if there is a substantial population that links to the Holy Spirit the way we do, and only if they are consciously aiming to keep the Covenant.

Notice I'm not saying obey the Covenant. The Hebrew concept was never a matter of obedience, per se, because humans are fallible. Rather, it was a matter of being committed, able or not. Indeed, a certain level of failure is expected, and God is portrayed as being rather indulgent toward His earthly family. We could still face the earthly consequences of our failures, but our relationship with God rests on our desire for Him, not our abilities. He is the one who grants whatever abilities we have in the first place. Thus, "holiness" is a matter of passion, not success.

The nature of the Covenant is a matter of being family, not slaves. The family has a mission, and we are granted insight into the broader agenda of our Father. Scripture is a little more cryptic about the matter of getting a bigger picture of our reason for being here in this world. Still, it's not that hard to grasp the Unseen Realm if you try. We know we can't really control things, so we don't try. God is overseeing things on His own terms, and we have ample warning that only within the Covenant can we exercise His authority. Anything outside the Covenant is His problem.

That's why we assert that there is no point at all in trying to change the political and social context. It is not under the Covenant. You might imagine things can be moved by human action, but God has revealed -- we know -- that human action at large is merely the side effect of what goes on in the Unseen Realm. The political and social context is steered by powers far above the human level. Aside from praying to God, there is nothing we can do to change the situation.

Rather, our mission is to live by the guidance of the Holy Spirit in order to touch our lost family members in the world around us. God has revealed that He speaks to His family through the actions He takes with us. We claim His promises to take care of His message; we align ourselves with the essence of that call to His children. We strive imperfectly to live by His desires for us, and He manages to amplify the effects of that desire, so that it calls to those who should be with us.

It's not that we don't care about human suffering; there is not a darned thing we can do about most of it. Humans without the Holy Spirit are helplessly stupid about how this world operates and what God offers. Alleviating symptoms of that stupidity is really not much help, but it might serve in small ways to speak to those who belong to us. It all depends on the context and the guidance we receive from God. It's not something the stupid outsiders can evaluate, so we tend to ignore their advice on such things. They don't know what's going on.

And we generally don't call them "stupid" but it's the closest modern term to the moral vacuity the Bible talks about. We don't despise them or cut off ourselves from empathy for them, but we can't help them. There is nothing in human reasoning or deciding than can bring the Holy Spirit into their souls. They don't have a clue what they need, only what they want. And what they want is invariably self-destructive. We prefer to use actions and words to express an attitude of pity and patience, but they keep judging us with their own spite and impatience. They are wholly incapable of understanding until the Holy Spirit invades their souls. That's what we really hope happens, and we keep looking for signs of it.

Only as a faith community under the Covenant can we know what God wants us to do in any given situation. That's the only way we can bring our actions into alignment with His plans. And His plans are everything; human plans are nothing. God intends to destroy this world and everything humans have done here from their own internal motivations will be destroyed with it. Mystics have zero interest in human plans and ambitions because they are entirely futile. We know it consumes the majority of humanity because they don't understand, so we try to stay out of the way.

That's why the stupid people outside the Covenant think we are irresponsible.

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