20 January 2025
Let me reiterate: You can hear the Holy Spirit when He is present. You may not know what to make of His message without first adopting a Hebrew mindset. It's not that He speaks Hebrew, but that what He has to say is cast in a Hebrew frame of reference.
Having an ancient Hebrew mind causes you to think differently from a western mental frame of reference. This is what we are trying to learn in our Radix Fidem community. How you process incoming impressions is the whole point. The categories are radically different. It's not a question of the words and the sounds, but the priorities of human existence. There are a vast number of things western minds worry about that the Holy Spirit simply will not address. They aren't a valid concern for your relationship with Christ.
If you struggle to make any sense of Hebrew poetry, then you aren't ready to hear from the Holy Spirit. It's not a data transfer, but an matter of moral passion. You should anticipate a wave of care about some element of the context. What does it take to make God smile? It will seldom come in terms of specific actions, but in terms of what the priorities are. You are still required to work out how you can best meet those priorities, based on your gifts and talents.
This is what makes reading Scripture and studying its meaning so important. It is the record of what people have done in the past to please or displease Him in various contexts. It's exactly how you would learn to deal with someone in authority. It's a matter of knowing the person, not a bunch of rules.
More to the point, it's a matter of knowing how He presents Himself to you individually in the context of a faith community. He has warned that He will not treat everyone exactly the same; He plays favorites for inexplicable reasons. That's what Election means. The range of individual differences can be estimated, but cannot be nailed down in precise terms. You must get to know what He requires of you, and what the record indicates He requires for your community.
This is how we figure out what He thinks of the political situation. On the one hand, we know He will not work directly with any system that does not submit to His Covenant. On the other hand, there are established boundaries by which the Devil and his allies are required to operate. Those boundaries exist because God has family involved -- we who embrace the Covenant -- and He favors us with protections and provisions that limit what the Enemy can do with us. The Scriptures indicate a range of possibilities; we must learn them so we will know what to expect.
A proper expectation includes knowing what we can and cannot request in prayer. You can't just ask for whatever your flesh wants. Doing so would be pointless, and gives the Devil a clue how to deceive you.
We have one valid prayer for America -- that Americans would heed the Covenant message and renounce their American identity, swearing genuine allegiance to Christ.
This blog will take a break for a few days.
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