02 February 2025
Sometimes you have to say the obvious.
I've already said I am not a Trump supporter. I'm not a supporter of the US government at all, regardless of who is in what position. Our government is anti-covenant and that makes it inherently wicked. But this government isn't going anywhere for a while yet, so within the context of what it is, we can certainly clarify the current fracas, about which the mainstream media is flatly lying.
A bureaucratic government is inherently leftist. Let me explain. In a world that stands firmly on the left-vs-right paradigm, as opposed to a much more sane urban-vs-rural division, the only way to have a stable and sane government is for the right to dominate, but not totally. Thus, the right must be empowered and primed to stomp down the left at all times. A bureaucratic structure prevents that. It's the nature of bureaucracy to favor the feminist/communist/nanny state in order to justify its existence. To assert control over the material results, bureaucracy reduces every human to a mere economic unit. That's the very nature of communism. Bureaucracy is cancerous, consuming a growing portion of productivity and returning less and less.
Now, we have established that Trump is no right-winger; he was a Democrat for decades before getting into politics because that was how one gained power in NYC. He actually has no ideology to speak of. What he does have is a lust for power and he's very good at using it. So, he plays the right wing because the lefties have organized in a way that keeps him out of power. They always wanted his money but not his influence.
It should be readily apparent that, all things considered, the only path forward for him is to very nearly destroy the federal bureaucracy. To really do it right would mean slaughtering a couple million bureaucrats, but that won't happen. Instead, they will be out of a job. That's a good thing overall, but it will be exceedingly painful for the whole country. And I'm not even mentioning his economic and foreign policy agenda.
Also, keep in mind that in the federal bureaucracy "professional" and "qualified" means lefty. Calling Trump's administrative picks "unprofessional" is just lefty whining. It's true for the military, too. The meaning of "military experience" is learning to live with communist structures that dehumanize everyone, stifling real leaders in favor of bureaucrats who only wear a thin mask of heroism. Most of them lack the courage to do anything that actually does good for the troops.
The troops are the military power. Humans can never be made into robots, no matter how much the bureaucrats would love to make them so. It is human commitment that makes an army powerful; any bureaucratic organizing tends to dissolve the moment the troops start taking fire. Only real leadership matters in those moments, and leadership is fostered and grown like a plant. It cannot be manufactured. Whatever "morale" means, it represents the willingness of the troops to serve, not some bureaucratic term to check off on a list for budgeting.
If troops believe you love them, they'll follow you to the death, passing through Hell with gusto on the way.
Here's the prophetic message: God works through His Divine Counsel, and Satan is still on His staff. The elohim object to His policies on some things, but most certainly follow orders in a broad general sense. They are His agents of destruction on sin, whether they like it or not, constrained to do things certain ways at His command. Trump and his allies are God's means of destruction. They will be used to execute God's wrath on the leftist bureaucratic state. If it's just Trump throwing a tantrum and going after his enemies, it will have the same effect as if he were totally upright and honest -- because destruction is the whole point. The only difference it makes is whether Trump will have peace with God, along with those who support him.
Either way, his job cannot be done without inflation taking a massive bite out of our standard of living. In case you don't understand economics, our former standard of living was entirely artificial and based on nothing of substance. America doesn't produce much that other countries buy -- not enough to fund our previous consumption. Do you understand that if everything was working perfectly, we still would not have that living standard? Do you get that lower-middle-class economic status is the national average when we are doing everything right? God's allowance for us is not as high as people imagine.
America has been stealing from the rest of the world for a long time, and it's going to end. If you worry about creature comforts, I feel sorry for you. If you can adjust your expectations to match what God is doing, then you'll be just fine. Basic principle: Use what He provides, while it is provided, because in the current tribulation, provision will become more miracle and less routine.
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