Catacomb Resident Blog

Ordo Caritatis

03 February 2025

This will be short, simply because it's not really new. Our doctrine is that God requires us to be tribal. Covenant family gets everything; folks outside the Covenant get leftovers. This is a covenant requirement to follow Christ. We are commanded to distinguish between earthy family and spiritual family. Humanity is not all one thing; most of the human race are not children of God, in the sense that they do not serve Him willingly. God plays favorites.

We don't expect the mainstream to grasp that, but we recognize that the system under which we live certain does work better if folks will follow a rather simple outline -- which just happens to be expressed in the news recently. VP JD Vance raised a ruckus about the apparent leftist inversion, caring more about foreigners (and criminals) than about their own kin. Predictably, lefties threw a fit. Having a very materialistic orientation, they reject the notion of moral and spiritual differences in humans. To a commie, all humans are nothing more than a simple economic unit, so they don't distinguish between humans as God commands:

"JD Vance is, of course, correct about the proper ordering of loves," Calvinist influencer Allie Beth Stuckey wrote. "Allowing a stranger into your home to sleep in your kids' beds and eat their food doesn't make you a good person, it makes you a bad parent."

There are references to Catholic doctrines ordo caritatis and ordo amoris, the proper ordering of charity and compassion. Jesus flatly said His first priority was His own nation, and Paul said that dying on the Cross didn't change that. To this day, Jews who embrace their Messiah will have certain advantages over Gentiles who also embrace Christ.

They don't have those advantages until they renounce their Jewish identity, but that's the same for us. At any rate, we should at least recognize that JD Vance has it right on this account. Yes, lefties are notorious for scolding and demanding things contrary to Scripture, on both the law and grace levels, because they deny grace.

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