09 February 2025
Maybe you've seen a lot of books proposing to offer a Christian understanding of the cults and the occult, along with related demonology concepts. I've seen many myself, and read a few of them. So far as I know, not one of those books recognizes the thesis of the Unseen Realm. Not once have I seen a book digging into that realm that recognizes demons as Nephilim spirits. To embrace the Unseen Realm teaching requires a radical change in how we understand the Realm of Darkness.
I profess to having a spiritual gift in seeing some of this stuff from a certain angle. It doesn't spook me at all. To whatever degree I have a clear perception, I can assure you that embracing the Unseen Realm answers so many questions. Things that never made sense, things that were not consistent with all those popular books, now make sense. Moreover, the drive in my spirit for the Covenant also makes more sense.
I'm not saying anything about the people who oppose our teaching of the Covenant. What I'm pointing out is that the audacity of seeking to restore the concept of the Covenant is bound to face resistance. I have sensed a great deal of threat from the Darkness over this. I just imagine they thought this issue was buried long ago. For whatever reason, God has moved in quite a few hearts to restore the Covenant, and in particular, the Hebraic outlook that is part of the Covenant message.
Our Kiln of the Soul community includes people with various gifts of the Spirit. One of them has a very strong direct sense of spiritual presence ("Discernment of Spirits"). This person can see them directly, though not physically. This person offers a warning that in recent weeks, spirits of Darkness have began paying far more attention to this business of the Covenant and Hebraic outlook. Specifically, everyone in our community has become a target.
All the more so if anyone starts trying to understand the operations of Darkness: cults, occult, etc. It's always been a little risky for believers to study such things. It's too easy to be misled by popular notions, which then opens gaps in the divine hedge of protection. If you misunderstand the protocols, you will end up exposing your soul to bondage. It's part of the wider deception of the Enemy to put special emphasis on spooky stuff. The Nephilim assigned to handle that false teaching don't act like the others.
Basic Bible teaching: Don't fear the Enemy and his gang, but do respect their power. Don't be contemptuous of them; all of them have more spiritual authority than humans. Christ is greater, but there are boundaries. If you stray outside your covering, you are asking for trouble. You do not have carte blanche to mess around on Satan's turf. Pay attention to the protocols in Scripture, because they are binding on us and on the Enemy.
For example, it's not necessary to quote Scripture at dark spiritual presence. Satan can quote Scripture. The words themselves have no power. It's especially pointless if you get the meaning wrong. Nor is it somehow more authentic to use Hebrew language, but it is better to use a Hebrew orientation. Creation is inherently feudal, and Satan is not bound by modern conceptions of law. Shouting at demons is mostly pointless; you cannot assert authority over them. You can only refuse to remain under their authority. The real power to cast out demons is in the victim, or it's not there at all. You cannot deliver someone who isn't Elect. You can dispatch a demon away, but if the victim isn't Elect, the demon will return. They generally don't mess with the Damned because they already own them.
I see no point in trying to write a book about such things. Still, I'm willing to answer any questions you might have. There is a wealth of more-or-less objective academic material out there to answer most questions. The vast majority of the claims made by proponents are baloney; there are precious few who engage those things who will report honestly what it's all about.
This document is public domain; spread the message.