Catacomb Resident Blog

A Doctrine of Resistance

19 February 2025

Near as I can tell, my series on Walton's Ancient Israelite Literature in Its Cultural Context is getting about half the attention of all the other posts. It's sad that so few care about Biblical Studies. That's the foundation for everything I write. The same thing happens when I post something about Scripture and doctrine; when I post stuff that touches on current events and politics, the hit count is much higher.

You can find plenty of current events commentary out there, and better than what I could write. For example, I think this is worth reading: Bird Flu Is A Rerun Of The COVID Playbook. The author did the research and lays out the parallels between the COVID oppression and how the authorities are pulling the same crap again with Bird Flu. The officials who did this the first time are still in power -- for now.

But I don't need to comment on all of that. To be honest, I understand only some portion of the science. I don't need it. What I need is my conviction. Because I have seen up close and personal the abusive spite that comes out of the federal government, I already know anything it promotes will be, at best, a mixed blessing. And vaccine treatment is one particular range of federal services that has consistently done more harm than good. For the time being, we have various ways of getting around the mandates. If any government agency actually began to enforce a vaccine mandate with no options, I would be among the armed violent "terrorists" resisting such a thing.

That's what God demands of me. I don't care what others think about it. Everyone else can bow the knee if they like; I'm not going to recruit anyone. I'm simply going to resist for myself and let that speak. At the same time, I'm convinced that I would be in good company. I'm pretty sure that's why there has been no effort in my area to enforce any such nonsense.

You need to be aware of what God requires of you. If it means standing alone, be ready for that. Don't make decisions for others unless they willfully stand inside your domain, under your covering. Make for them the same basic decisions you would make for yourself. But our situation is quite unique in human history, in that covenant relations are approaching impossibility. The Covenant is a community building foundation. Unfortunately, that's frankly illegal. You can certainly operate by the Covenant on your own, but it was never meant to be that way.

From the end of Mark 3:

Then Jesus' mother and his brothers came. Standing outside, they sent word to Him, to summon Him. A crowd was sitting around Him and they said to Him, "Look, your mother and your brothers are outside looking for you." He answered them and said, "Who are my mother and my brothers?" And looking at those who were sitting around Him in a circle, He said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother."

The definition of your closest kin are those who consciously seek peace with God. This is your true family, and it has nothing to do with DNA. But the thing our American culture and US government deny is the dire necessity of living together as family in a feudal order. In God's eyes, no one has any business ruling your daily existence unless they are bound together with you in covenant.

Given the current context, we can do this to some degree. No court of law would ever countenance our contention under the Covenant, but enforcement is generally rather weak. Thus, we are not compelled to fight tooth and nail for our very existence as a covenant family. However, there are areas of life where we should be ready to resist by one means or another. If you aren't ready to face torture, then be ready to go down fighting. I can assure you the American system of government, despite any rhetoric, does promote the use of torture. I've worked in law enforcement; don't let them lie to you. Your "rights" mean nothing.

Be who you must be. If that draws others, then stand together. Don't be surprised if you end up standing alone on some issues. Sooner or later, walking by the Covenant and conviction will get you into trouble with both religious and secular authorities. This is our doctrine of resistance; it's the same as evangelism. Know the Covenant and stand firm; protect those who seek refuge under your wings. Decide now, before there's trouble (there most certainly will be), whether you can personally tolerate the system after they seize your body. If not, then be ready to go down fighting. Don't compromise on God's Word.

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